Exploring The Benefits of Lemon Water

Water is one of the building blocks of a healthy life, and the benefits of drinking lemon water extend beyond the physical – contributing to our mental health in addition to keeping our bodies running efficiently and effectively.

Since we know how important it is to hydrate, why not double down on those benefits by adding lemons? Boosting your water with this sunny citrus has even more added benefits when it comes to health and well-being than drinking plain water:

Physical Benefits Of Lemon Water

Lemons are a powerhouse fruit, containing many important nutrients and vitamins like flavonoids and vitamin C, while containing very few calories and sugar compared to many other fruits. The vitamins and nutrients from lemons benefit our bodies in several ways:

Skin — The vitamin C and citric acid in lemons can help fight fine lines, wrinkles, and skin discoloration. Additionally, the more water you drink, the better your skin will look and feel. And if you add lemon to your water, you just may find it tastes better, helping you meet your water drinking goals more easily.

Inflammation and Immune System — Lemons contain antioxidants, which are powerful contributors in the fight against everything from the common cold to serious diseases like cancers, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders. Antioxidants, like those in lemons, help absorb free radicals, which can cause havoc throughout the body. Drinking lemon water in the mornings especially has an anti-inflammatory benefits.

Digestion — The acids in lemons work to help your body breakdown foods, often making the process easier on you, and your stomach. This can lead to less bloating and discomfort, as well as added relief for constipation.

Weight Maintenance and Loss — Drinking plenty of water is a good tool for maintaining your weight, and losing weight. Introduce lemons into the equation and you may feel fuller, longer, increasing those already powerful water-drinking benefits.

Evidence also suggests that drinking lemon water may improve athletic performance, as well as help treat kidney stones. Lemons have long been used in traditional medicines for cleansing and purifying purposes, especially related to the liver and gallbladder.

Mental Benefits Of Lemon Water

Our hydration levels play a crucial role in how, and how well, our brains function. So while drinking plenty of plain water is beneficial for your brain performance, mood, and memory, adding lemon can up-level these already important benefits.

With its array of important vitamins and nutrients, lemon water is most helpful for brain function because it contains potassium, which helps facilitate blood flow to the brain. With ample blood flow, our brains function better and even experience fewer signs of stress.  Additionally, many studies have shown that the combination of sour and sweet in lemons help to trigger endorphins that make us feel happier.  This has been true of the simple smell of lemons, and when added to water, the effect is even more potent.

If you’re looking for a simple, affordable way to improve your overall health, and your outlook on life — and who doesn’t need that right now — the benefits of lemon water are a great place to start.  Simply squeeze a few segments into a glass of water first thing in the morning to kick your day off in a positive frame of mind with a lot of added benefits for your body.


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